Luísa Paula Pereira
Awakening, Exploring and Developing our Non-Linear Intelligence
- Researcher, Trainer and Motivator of experiences (Growth, Transformation, Integrative Reformers).
- Creator and Facilitator Program S.H.E.E. - Being Human in Evolution (Individual and Group).
- Creator and Facilitator of Inspiration & Movement.
- Facilitator of Ritual Trance Dance, Trance Dance Internacional.
- Facilitator of rituals for the Rediscovery of the Feminine and exploration of the mystery of Being a Woman.
- Facilitator of creative exploration and movement experiences and practices.
Awakening, Exploring and Developing our Non-Linear Intelligence
- Researcher, Trainer and Motivator of experiences (Growth, Transformation, Integrative Reformers).
- Creator and Facilitator Program S.H.E.E. - Being Human in Evolution (Individual and Group).
- Creator and Facilitator of Inspiration & Movement.
- Facilitator of Ritual Trance Dance, Trance Dance Internacional.
- Facilitator of rituals for the Rediscovery of the Feminine and exploration of the mystery of Being a Woman.
- Facilitator of creative exploration and movement experiences and practices.
About my Work
"There is a phrase by Píndaro, a Greek poet, that wonderfully expresses the purpose of my work: "Become who you are!"
I'm a facilitator, researcher, trainer and motivator of experiences (Growth, Transformation, Integrative Reformers).
My work develops through the exploration of the non-linear and intuitive world that inhabits us and the integration with our linear, rational side through creativity, expression, dance and movement, with the purpose of self-knowledge, transformation, evolution , expansion of consciousness and connection to the Greater One that lives within us.
In Western society, as a rule (with the exception of artists), we are educated and encouraged to further develop our left hemisphere, rational, logical, linear. But our intelligence, our wisdom, can be complemented with an intelligence, related to our right hemisphere, creative, non-linear, intuitive, illogical.
The integration and balance of these two opposite and complementary worlds allows us to solve the paradoxes that life presents us with which allows us to evolve, expand our counsciousness and live more whole and complete with whom we truly are.
I facilitate and create, spaces and times of depth, exploratory and experiential, where the participants can dive in themselves so that something new can emerge in relation to the different dimensions of their life and themselves.
Spaces and times of connection to something bigger in ourselves!
It is a work aimed so that each one can find themself, more and more, awakening the wisdom that lives inside of us and expanding beyond the limitations, beliefs, patterns that separate us from being who we truly are, that limit us from the connection to yourselves and the whole.
It is an experiential work and an inner discovery. A journey into the mystery that each of us are.
I am continually amazed by the HUMAN BEING, by Nature and by the connection to the Infinite! "- Luísa Paula
About my professional and life path
"My professional and life path has been a journey of harmonization and integration of linear and non-linear, left and right hemisphere, mundane and spiritual, light and shadow, male and female, life and death... the opposites that complement each other. A journey that revealed itself infinite, of profound inner transformation and discovery of myself and who I truly am. From the age of 21, I realized that I could transform myself and do something for what in my life and in my inner world was not right. It was at that time that I woke up (consciously) to spirituality and inner work. I graduated in Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management. I had been volunteering at the Portuguese Institute of Oncology since university and continued when I started working. I worked with information systems and databases for a few years. Volunteering in this very profound context, among with other experiences linked to awakening to the inner and spiritual world that happened around the same time and my deep inner experience since I was a child revealed in me an immense desire to work with human beings, with the depth and humanity that inhabits us. And it was with that desire emerging that I left my linear work and began to intensively explore the other, less rational side of this Human Being that we are. I studied Art Therapy, did the Ritual Trance Dance facilitators training, started studying and exploring the feminine and did several trainings and works in field of human and spiritual development and and also linked to dance, movement and creativity. In this process of transformation and change, I taught mathematics, I became a mother, worked with children in a school context and in parallel, I developed over time various works and events in the area of personal, human and spiritual development and deepened my work as a human and spiritual development teacher and Ritual Trance Dance facilitator for several years apprenticing and working with Wilbert Alix, founder of Trance Dance International. In 2019, I created the program S.H.E.E. - Being Human in Evolution, a human and spiritual development program that results from the fusion of all the areas of my work with my path of life and personal, human and spiritual development.
I am continuously investigating, studying and exploring expression, movement and body work, which are very present in my life as personal, work and spiritual connection tools.
I am continually amazed by the HUMAN BEING, by inner diving, by Nature, by Life and by the connection to the Infinite!
I am an eternal researcher, student and apprentice.
I deeply believe in Being, Human! "
- Luísa Paula Pereira
I am continuously investigating, studying and exploring expression, movement and body work, which are very present in my life as personal, work and spiritual connection tools.
I am continually amazed by the HUMAN BEING, by inner diving, by Nature, by Life and by the connection to the Infinite!
I am an eternal researcher, student and apprentice.
I deeply believe in Being, Human! "
- Luísa Paula Pereira