With Catarina Castro and Luísa Paula
The place where everything happens is in the body
The body houses our emotions, our organs, our history.
Winter is a silent and dark season.
There is a warm bubbling under the earth, like a being that is generated inside the mother's womb.
Time to gather courage, strengthen bones, put ears to listen
The heritage of ancestry,
the memory is in this season, of the time before the visible,
the waiting and the hope
The time of long nights and short days contains the seed of the future.
- DO-IN- Automassage with Catarina Castro
Do-in is a well-being ritual from China and refined in Japan.
It means path of energy.
Based on the meridian network, the practice of self-massage is extremely simple and intuitive. Anyone of any age and with various physical conditions can do it.
Breathing, different types of touch and stretching are integrated in a diverse and creative sequence.
- Inspiration & Movement with Luísa Paula
Nourishing the Body, Inspiring the Soul!
Through exercises of body awareness, breathing, metaphors and movement, we “wake up” the dancer that exists in each one of us. Through awareness and presence, we invite a deeper connection with ourselves and the possibility of inhabiting our wonderful and magical body every day a little bit more!
We give expression, voice and power to the body, releasing tensions and allowing the body to free itself until the movement flow naturally finding the body’s infinite intelligence...and maybe learning from it and allowing the body to show us something new… about ourselves...about our life!
40€ - Early Bird until January 4
45€ - After January 4
Registration needed!
Limited places!
Date and Location:
January 7, 10am to 1pm
Yoga no Bairro, Campo de Ourique
[email protected] / +351 964 991 014