"The wholeness and completeness you seek are in you, waiting to be discovered.”
- Elisabeth Kubbler Ross
Photo by Pixabay.com
Program Being Human in Evolution
Online or presential
If we embrace the reality that we are beings in evolution life can become a Journey of Exploration, Self-Knowledge, Transcendence and Evolution.
S.H.E.E. program is a deep self-knowledge and human development program.
In Western society as a rule (with some exceptions for example artists) we are educated and encouraged to further develop our left hemisphere, rational, logical, linear. But our intelligence, our wisdom, can be complemented with an intelligence, related to our right hemisphere, creative, non-linear, illogical.
The S.H.E.E. program proposes an inner plunge over several sessions using different methodologies, where non-linear, “illogical”, intuitive expression and intelligence is explored and worked, integrating it with linear, logical, rational expression and intelligence.
The integration and balance of these two worlds, of these two intelligences, opposite and complementary, allows us to read reality in more complete way and the possibility of solving the paradoxes that life presents us, allowing us to evolve, expand and live more whole and with more integrity and to be each day closer to who we truly are.
Everything that nourishes our essence, everything that energizes and supports who we truly are, everything that feeds our soul is a catalyst for healing and evolution.
A path dedicated to something important for Life, for the Soul of those who choose to walk it!
An inner dive into the genius of each one of us, into our non-linear intelligence!
We are infinite and infinite are the possibilities of the Being that lives in each of us.
In this program, we walk in the direction of who each one is deeply and truly, making room and time for the inner wisdom of each one to reveal itself and the path to be illuminated from within.
S.H.E.E. PROGRAM Individual
The starting point for the S.H.E.E. program individual is an intention or question brought by the participant regarding his life or himself. This intention is something that the participant wants to deepen in his life, transform, clarify, leave behind, solve, etc.
It is a deep and transformative work carried out over three months where the participant receives tools and a work plan to work between sessions.
Each individual program is unique. It is tailored to each participant and the evolution of the "work plan" depends on the evolution of the participant during the sessions.
Individual Program (3 months)
- 9 sessions of 2h / each during a period of 3 months. (First weekly, then fortnightly);
- Individual work between sessions outlined throughout the program;
- The sessions are scheduled according to the availability of the participant and the availability of Luísa Paula.
Tools ( Not all tools are used in all programs)
- Movement and Body Work;
- Creative Expression (drawing, painting, clay, writing);
- Breath;
- Meditation;
- Rituals;
- Relaxation Exercises and Dynamics;
- Exercises to mobilize creativity and integration of the two cerebral hemispheres;
- Stories, tales and metaphors;
- Nature Connection Practices;
- Exercises and Dynamics of Active Listening and Authentic Expression.
Per session value between
- Online: 50 € -60 € /session
- Presential (Arruda dos Vinhos, Portugal): 55€ - 65€ /session
- Presential (Lisboa): 60€-75€ /session
(Within this range the participant decides what amount he/she will contribute depending on his/her financial availability).
Evolution, Transformation, Consciousness,Integration, Expansion and Creation
S.H.E.E. is a program that results from the fusion of all aspects of Luísa Paula's work with her life and personal, human and spiritual development. More about Luísa Paula and her work here..
Registration / Information / Bookings:
[email protected] / +351 964 991 014
Possibility of scheduling a clarification session.
[email protected] / +351 964 991 014
Possibility of scheduling a clarification session.
Informations about the group program here soon.
"When we think that we already know so much about ourselves, we discover that there is a world to reveal in the light of conscience. Conditions that we keep in the soul and that govern us without knowing. Luísa has the talent to cause constructive imbalances, leads us to unspeakable, to the unthinkable, through the use of other human elements such as the body and sensitivity. Combining good mastery of language with wisdom about the human soul and its non-rational manifestations, we managed, with her help, to touch internal spaces almost not explored or not explored at all. It is a sharing carried out with full dedication and listening skills, which sees each human being in his or her uniqueness and wholeness, which equips us with new tools to deal with us and accept, value, enjoy the most of our lives in the circumstances and relationships that we have in each moment. " - Cristina Leonor
"SHEE is a personal environment built with the help of Luisa the facilitator. It is a surprising source of subtle improvement of our intuition and creativity that awakens the inspiring attention to the most sensitive and essential world that is around us all the time. Instruments such as meditation, breathing, drawing, colors, music are used together to activate the less rational side of the human being who is often asleep. I advise everyone this awaken of sensitivity! " - Michelle Valéria Macedo Silva
"An intention that we have within us and we want to bring to light, to our life. This is the premise of SHEE Program - Being Human In Evolution.
In fact, we are all constantly evolving, every day, at all times, in small and big decisions. The question is, am I aware that this is really happening? And if so, what is my position? Do I simply let life take me, or do I position myself in such a way as to provide moments that I know bring happiness, peace and balance between linear and non-linear?
When Luísa told me about the program and the inner work that characterizes it, I felt that it would be for me.I awakened to the right to allow myself, to want to be myself and to be in accordance with my inner truth.
Now, a few weeks after I finished the program, I take with me the tools it provided me every day. Perceiving, observing, accepting, welcoming and listening to events and feelings was an amazing and transforming learning!
What I usually say about this experience in few words is this: it is not so much where the path takes me, but the magic of walking itself.
Blessings to you, dear Luísa ... "- Célia Maria
“One of the things that pleased the me most was to feel that in addition to having my intention worked out the work did not follow a script exclusively dictated by Luísa, but that it followed a path of almost communion between what was the primary objective and my own evolution, both during sessions and between sessions. "- Mariana Costa